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When is the completion date? *
Please ensure the selected completion date is after the exchange date
The selected completion date and the exchange date are more than 90 days apart
Please enter the policy number *
please enter correct policy number starting with VR, HH, VPC & BF.
Address of property to be insured *
We currently don't cover the selected postcode
As this property is not your main/sole residence we cannot provide cover on this scheme. For property that is tenanted, unoccupied or used as a holiday or second home, please quote under the appropriate scheme on the website
Please state the type of tenants *
Please select Working / Retired Student Let DSS Let Asylum Seeker Let
Are the DSS let *
Please select Working Tenants on Benefits Unemployed Tenants Let Direct to Local Authority HMO Let to Tenants on Benefits
Why is the property unoccupied? *
Please select Awaiting Sale Due to Death Between Tenants Awaiting Tenants Owner in Nursing Home Owner in Hospital Living / Working Abroad Awaiting to Move in Awaiting Works to be Completed Awaiting Works to Commence Other (please specify)
Please provide details of the works being undertaken where we ask about building works in the Additional Details section of the quote.
Policyholder Details
Is the policyholder an individual or a company/organisation
Main policyholder details:
Title *
Please select Mr Mrs Ms Miss Mx Dr Prof Rev Lord Lady Sir Executors of Deputy for
First name *
Last name *
We are not able to provide cover due to proposers age
Occupation *
Please Select Abattoir Worker Accommodation Officer Account Executive Account Manager Accountant Accounts Assistant Accounts Clerk Accounts Manager Accounts Staff Acoustic Engineer Actor Actress Actuary Acupuncturist Administration Assistant Administration Clerk Administration Manager Administration Staff Administrator Advertising Agent Advertising Assistant Advertising Clerk Advertising Contractor Advertising Executive Advertising Manager Advertising Staff Aerial Erector Aerobic Instructor Aeronautical Engineer Agister Agricultural Consultant Agricultural Contractor Agricultural Engineer Agricultural Merchant Agricultural Worker Agronomist Air Traffic Controller Aircraft Buyer Aircraft Cabin Crew Aircraft Designer Aircraft Engineer Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Aircraft Surface Finisher Airline Check-in Staff Airman Airport Controller Airport Manager Almoner Ambulance Controller Ambulance Crew Ambulance Driver Amusement Arcade Worker Anaesthetist Analytical Chemist Animal Breeder Anthropologist Antique Dealer Applications Engineer Applications Programmer Aquarist Arbitrator Arborist Archaeologist Architect Architect's Technician Architectural Surveyor Archivist Area Manager Armourer Aromatherapist Art Critic Art Dealer Art Historian Art Restorer Artexer Articled Clerk Artificial Limb Fitter Artist Asbestos Remover Asphalter Assembly Worker Assessor Assistant Accounts Manager Assistant Caretaker Assistant Cook Assistant Manager Assistant Nurse Assistant Teacher Astrologer Astronomer Au Pair Auction Worker Auctioneer Audiologist Audit Clerk Audit Manager Auditor Author Auto Electrician Auxiliary Nurse Bacon Curer Baggage Handler Bailiff Baker Bakery Assistant Bakery Manager Bakery Operator Balloonist Bank Clerk Bank Manager Bank Messenger Bank Note Checker Bank Staff Baptist Minister Bar Manager Bar Staff Bar Steward Barber Barmaid Barman Barrister Beautician Beauty Therapist Betting Shop Clerk Bill Poster Bingo Caller Bingo Hall Staff Biochemist Biologist Blacksmith Blind Assembler Blind Fitter Blinds Installer Boat Builder Body Fitter Bodyguard Bodyshop Manager Boiler Maker Boiler Man Book Binder Book Seller Booking Agent Booking Clerk Booking Office Clerk Book-Keeper Bookmaker Botanist Box Maker Box Office Clerk Branch Manager Brewer Brewery Manager Brewery Worker Bricklayer Broadcaster Broadcasting Engineer Builder Builders Labourer Builders Merchant Building Advisor Building Contractor Building Control Officer Building Engineer Building Estimator Building Foreman Building Inspector Building Manager Building Site Inspector Building Society Agent Building Society Clerk Building Society Staff Building Surveyor Bursar Bus Conductor Bus Driver Bus Mechanic Bus Valeter Business Analyst Butcher Butchery Manager Butler Buyer Cabinet Maker Cable Contractor Cable Jointer Cable TV Installer Cafe Owner Cafe Staff Cafe Worker Calibration Manager Call Centre Manager Call Centre Staff Camera Repairer Cameraman Canal Boat Broker Car Body Repairer Car Builder Car Dealer Car Delivery Driver Car Park Attendant Car Salesman Car Valet Car Wash Attendant Care Assistant Care Manager Careers Advisor Careers Officer Carer - Non Professional Carer - Professional Caretaker Cargo Operator Carpenter Carpenter's Assistant Carpet Cleaner Carpet Retailer Carpetfitter Carphone Fitter Cartographer Cartoonist Cash Point Fitter Cashier Casual Worker Caterer Catering Consultant Catering Manager Catering Staff Caulker Ceiling Contractor Ceiling Fixer Cellarman Centre Lathe Operator Certified Accountant Chambermaid Chandler Chaplain Charge Hand Charity Worker Chartered Accountant Chartered Engineer Chartered Surveyor Chartered Valuer Charterer Chauffeur Check-Out Assistant Chef Chemical Engineer Chemist Chicken Chaser Chicken Sexer Chief Cashier Chief Chemist Chief Executive Child Minder Childrens Entertainer Chimney Sweep China Restorer Chiropodist Chiropractor Choreographer Church Officer Church Warden Cinema Assistant Cinema Manager Circus Proprietor Circus Worker Civil Engineer Civil Servant Claims Adjustor Claims Assessor Claims Manager Clairvoyant Classical Musician Classroom Aide Clay Pigeon Instructor Cleaner Cleaning Contractor Cleaning Supervisor Clergyman Cleric Clerical Assistant Clerical Officer Clerk Clerk Of Works Clinical Psychologist Clock Maker Coach Builder Coach Driver Coach Sprayer Coal Merchant Coastguard Cobbler Coffee Merchant Coin Dealer College Dean College Lecturer College Principal Commercial Artist Commercial Manager Commercial Traveller Commission Agent Commissionaire Commissioned Officer Commissioning Engineer Commodity Broker Commodity Dealer Communications Officer Communications Supervisor Community Craft Instructor Community Nurse Community Worker Company Chairman Company Director Company Search Agent Company Secretary Complementary Therapist Composer Compositor Computer Analyst Computer Consultant Computer Engineer Computer Manager Computer Operator Computer Programmer Computer Technician Confectioner Conference Manager Conference Organiser Conservationist Conservator Construction Engineer Construction Worker Consultant Consultant Engineer Consumer Scientist Contract Cleaner Contract Furnisher Contract Manager Contractor Contracts Supervisor Conveyancer Cook Cooper Coppersmith Copywriter Coroner Corrosion Consultant Costume Designer Costume Jeweller Costumier Council Worker Counsellor Countryside Ranger County Councillor Courier Court Officer Craft Dealer Craftswoman Crane Driver Crane Erector Crane Operator Creche Worker Credit Broker Credit Controller Credit Draper Credit Manager Crematorium Attendant Crime Examiner Crofter Croupier Crown Prosecutor Curator Currency Trader Curtain Maker Customer Advisor Customer Liaison Officer Customs & Excise Officer Cutler Cutter Cycle Repairer Dairy Engineer Dairy Worker Dance Teacher Dancer Dark Room Technician Data Administrator Data Co-Ordinator Data Processor Day Care Officer Dealer - General Debt Collector Debt Counsellor Decorator Delivery Courier Delivery Driver Delivery Roundsman Demolition Worker Demonstrator Dendrochronologist Dental Assistant Dental Hygienist Dental Nurse Dental Surgeon Dental Technician Dental Therapist Dentist Deputy Head Teacher Deputy Manager Deputy Principal Dermatologist Design Director Design Engineer Design Manager Despatch Driver Despatch Rider Despatch Worker Development Manager Diamond Dealer Diecaster Dietician Dinner Lady Diplomat Disc Jockey Distillery Worker Distribution Manager District Nurse District Valuer Diver Docker Dockyard Worker Doctor Document Controller Dog Beautician Dog Breeder Dog Groomer Dog Trainer Dog Walker Dog Warden Doll Maker Domestic Staff Door Fitter Door To Door Collector Doorman Double Glazing Fitter Double Glazing Salesman Draughtsman Draughtswoman Drayman Dressmaker Drilling Technician Driving Examiner Driving Instructor Driving Instructor - Advanced Driving Instructor (HGV) Drug Addiction Counsellor Dry Cleaner Dryliner Dustman Dye Polisher Dyer Ecologist Economist Editor Editorial Consultant Editorial Staff Education Advisor Education Officer Electrical Contractor Electrical Engineer Electrical Fitter Electrician Electrologist Electronic Engineer Electronics Supervisor Electronics Technician Embalmer Embassy Staff Embroiderer Energy Analyst Engineer Engraver Enquiry Agent Entertainer Environmental Chemist Environmental Consultant Environmental Health Officer Equity Agent Ergonomist Estate Agent Estate Manager Estimator Evangelist Events Organiser Excursion Manager Exhaust Fitter Exhibition Designer Exhibition Organiser Exotic Dancer Expedition Leader Export Consultant Exporter Extrusion Operator Fabricator Factory Canteen Manager Factory Inspector Factory Manager Factory Worker Fairground Worker Falconer Farm Manager Farm Worker Farmer Farrier Fashion Designer Fashion Photographer Fast Food Delivery Driver Fast Food Proprietor Fence Erector Fibre Glass Moulder Field Officer Figure Painter Film Director Film Producer Film Technician Finance Director Finance Manager Finance Officer Financial Advisor Financial Analyst Financial Consultant Financier Fire Officer Fire Prevention Officer Fire Protection Consultant Firefighter Fireplace Fitter Firewood Merchant First Aid Worker Fish Buyer Fish Filleter Fish Fryer Fish Merchant Fish Worker Fisheries Inspector Fisherman Fishery Manager Fishmonger Fitness Instructor Fitter Fitter - Tyre/Exhaust Flagger Flight Deck Crew Floor Layer Floor Manager Florist Flour Miller Flower Arranger Flying Instructor Foam Convertor Food Processor Footballer Foreman Forensic Scientist Forest Ranger Forester Fork Lift Truck Driver Forwarding Agent Foster Parent Foundry Worker Fraud Investigator French Polisher Fruiterer Fuel Merchant Fund Raiser Funeral Director Funeral Furnisher Furnace Man Furniture Dealer Furniture Remover Furniture Restorer Furrier Gallery Owner Gambler Gamekeeper Gaming Board Inspector Gaming Club Manager Gaming Club Proprietor Garage Attendant Garage Foreman Garage Manager Garda Garden Designer Gardener Gas Fitter Gas Mechanic Gas Technician Gate Keeper Genealogist General Manager General Practitioner Geologist Geophysicist Gilder Glass Worker Glazier Goldsmith Golf Caddy Golf Club Professional Golfer Goods Handler Governor Granite Technician Graphic Designer Graphologist Grave Digger Gravel Merchant Green Keeper Greengrocer Grocer Groom Ground Worker Groundsman Guard Guest House Proprietor Guide Gun Smith Gynaecologist Hairdresser Handyman Harbour Master Hardware Dealer Haulage Contractor Hawker Head Accurist Head Greenkeeper Head Lad Headteacher Health Advisor Health And Safety Consultant Health And Safety Officer Health Care Assistant Health Planner Health Therapist Health Visitor Hearing Therapist Heating & Ventilation Engineer Heating Engineer Heating/Ventilation Engineer Herbalist HGV Driver HGV Mechanic Highway Inspector Hire Car Driver Hirer Historian Hod Carrier Home Economist Home Help Homecare Manager Homeopath Homeworker Hop Merchant Horse Breeder Horse Dealer Horse Riding Instructor Horse Trader Horse Trainer Horticultural Consultant Horticulturalist Hosiery Mechanic Hosiery Worker Hospital Consultant Hospital Doctor Hospital Manager Hospital Orderly Hospital Technician Hospital Warden Hospital Worker Hostess Hot Foil Printer Hotel Consultant Hotel Worker Hotelier House Parent House Sitter Househusband Housekeeper Housewife Housing Assistant Housing Officer Housing Supervisor Human Resources Manager Human Resources Staff Hunt Master Huntsman Hydro Geologist Hygienist Hypnotherapist Hypnotist Ice Cream Vendor Illustrator Immigration Officer Import Consultant Importer Independent Means Induction Moulder Industrial Chemist Industrial Consultant Industrial Designer Injection Moulder Inland Revenue Officer Inspector Inspector - Insurance Instrument Engineer Instrument Maker Instrument Supervisor Instrument Technician Insurance Assessor Insurance Consultant Insurance Inspector Insurance Representative Interior Decorator Interior Designer Interpreter Interviewer Inventor Investigator Investment Advisor Investment Banker Investment Manager Ironmonger IT Consultant IT Manager IT Trainer Janitor Jazz Composer Jeweller Jewellery Consultant Jockey Joiner Joinery Consultant Journalist Journalistic Agent Judge Junk Shop Proprietor Justice Of The Peace Keep Fit Instructor Kennel Hand Kennel Maid Kissagram Person Kitchen Worker Knitter Labelling Operator Laboratory Analyst Laboratory Assistant Laboratory Attendant Laboratory Manager Laboratory Operative Laboratory Supervisor Laboratory Technician Labourer Laminator Lampshade Maker Land Agent Land Surveyor Landlady Landlord Landowner Landscape Architect Landscape Gardener Landworker Lathe Operator Laundry Worker Lavatory Attendant Law Clerk Lawn Mower Repairer Lawyer Leaflet Distributor Leather Worker Lecturer Ledger Clerk Legal Advisor Legal Assistant Legal Executive Legal Secretary Leisure Centre Attendant Leisure Centre Manager Lens Grinder & Polisher Letting Agent Liaison Officer Librarian Library Manager Licensee Licensing Consultant Lifeguard Lift Attendant Lift Engineer Lighterman Lighthouse Keeper Lighting Designer Lighting Technician Lime Kiln Attendant Line Manager Line Worker Linguist Literary Agent Literary Editor Lithographer Litigation Manager Loader Loans Manager Local Government Officer Lock Keeper Locksmith Locum Pharmacist Log Merchant Lorry Driver Loss Adjustor Loss Assessor Lumberjack Machine Fitters Mate Machine Minder Machine Operator Machine Setter Machine Technician Machine Tool Engineer Machine Tool Fitter Machinist Magician Magistrate Magistrates Clerk Maid Maintenance Engineer Maintenance Fitter Maintenance Man Maintenance Manager Maintenance Staff Make Up Artist Make Up Supervisor Management Consultant Management Trainee Manager Managing Director Manicurist Manufacturing Agent Manufacturing Technician Map Mounter Marble Finisher Marble Mason Marine Broker Marine Consultant Marine Electrician Marine Engineer Marine Geologist Marine Pilot Marine Surveyor Market Gardener Market Research Assistant Market Researcher Market Trader Marketing Agent Marketing Assistant Marketing Consultant Marketing Co-ordinator Marketing Director Marketing Executive Marketing Manager Marquee Erector Massage Therapist Masseur Masseuse Master Mariner Master of Ceremonies Master Of Foxhounds Materials Controller Materials Manager Mathematician Matron Mattress Maker Mature Student Meat Inspector Meat Wholesaler Mechanic Mechanical Engineer Mechanical Technician Medal Dealer Medical Advisor Medical Assistant Medical Consultant Medical Officer Medical Physicist Medical Practitioner Medical Researcher Medical Secretary Medical Student Medical Supplier Medical Technician Member Of Parliament Merchandiser Merchant Banker Merchant Seaman Messenger Metal Dealer Metal Engineer Metal Polisher Metal Worker Metallurgist Meteorologist Meter Reader Microbiologist Microfilm Operator Midwife Milklady Milkman Mill Operator Mill Worker Miller Milliner Millwright Miner Mineralologist Minibus Driver Minicab Driver Mining Consultant Mining Engineer Minister Of Religion Missionary Mobile Caterer Mobile Disc Jockey Mobile Disco Owner Mobile Hairdresser Mobile Motor Mechanic Mobile Service Engineer Model Model Maker Money Broker Money Dealer Moneylender Monk Monumental Sculptor Mooring Contractor Mortgage Broker Mortgage Consultant Mortician Motor Dealer Motor Engineer Motor Fitter Motor Mechanic Motor Racing Organiser Motor Trader Museum Assistant Museum Attendant Museum Consultant Museum Technician Music Teacher Music Therapist Music Wholesaler Musician Nanny Naturopath Navigator Negotiator Neurologist Newsagent Night Porter Night Watchman Non Commissioned Officer Not In Employment Notary Public Nuclear Scientist Nun Nurse Nursery Assistant Nursery Nurse Nursery Worker Nurseryman Nursing Assistant Nursing Auxiliary Nursing Manager Nursing Sister Nutritionist Occupational Health Consultant Occupational Health Nurse Occupational Therapist Occultist Off Shore Surveyor Office Administrator Office Manager Oil Broker Oil Rig Crew Opera Singer Operations Director Operations Manager Operations Supervisor Opthalmic Technician Optical Advisor Optical Assistant Optical Technician Optician Optometrist Orchestral Violinist Order Clerk Organist Ornamental Blacksmith Ornithologist Orthopaedic Technician Orthoptist Osteopath Ostler Outdoor Pursuits Instructor Outfitter Outreach Worker Overhead Line Instructor Overhead Lineman Overlocker Overseas Mailer Overwriter Packaging Consultant Packer Paediatrician Pager Operator Paint Consultant Paint Sprayer Painter Painter And Decorator Palaeobotanist Palaeontologist Pallet Maker Panel Beater Paper Mill Worker Parachute Packer Paramedic Park Attendant Park Keeper Park Ranger Partition Erector Parts Man Parts Manager Parts Supervisor Party Planner Pasteuriser Pastry Chef Patent Agent Patent Attorney Pathologist Patrol Person Patrolman Pattern Cutter Pattern Maker Pattern Weaver Paviour Pawnbroker Payment Officer Payroll Assistant Payroll Clerk Payroll Manager Payroll Supervisor Pearl Stringer Pedicurist Pensions Consultant Pensions Manager Personal Assistant Personnel Administrator Personnel Manager Personnel Officer Pest Control Pest Controller Pet Minder Petrol Station Attendant Petroleum Engineer Petty Officer Pharmaceutical Assistant Pharmacist Pharmacy Manager Pharmacy Technician Philatelist Phlebotomist Photo Engraver Photo Laboratory Processor Photo Technician Photocopy Machine Technician Photographer Photographic Agent Physician Physicist Physiologist Physiotherapist Piano Teacher Piano Tuner Picker Picture Editor Picture Framer Picture Researcher Pig Man Pig Manager Pilot Pipe Fitter Pipe Inspector Pipe Insulator Pipe Layer Planning Engineer Planning Manager Planning Officer Planning Technician Plant Attendant Plant Driver Plant Engineer Plant Fitter Plant Manager Plant Operator Plasterer Plastics Consultant Plastics Engineer Plate Layer Plater Playgroup Assistant Playgroup Leader Plumber Plumbing & Heating Engineer Podiatrist Police Officer Polisher Pool Attendant Pools Collector Porter Portfolio Manager Post Card Seller Post Office Counter Clerk Post Sorter Postman Postmaster Postwoman Potato Merchant Potter Practice Manager Preacher Precision Engineer Premises Security Installers Press Officer Press Operator Press Setter Presser Priest Print Finisher Printer Prison Chaplain Prison Officer Private Investigator Probation Officer Probation Worker Process Engineer Process Operator Process Worker Procurator Fiscal Produce Supervisor Producer Product Installer Product Manager Production Engineer Production Hand Production Manager Production Planner Professional Boxer Professional Sports Person Professional Wrestler Professor Progress Chaser Progress Clerk Project Co-ordinator Project Engineer Project Leader Project Manager Project Worker Projectionist Promoter Proof Reader Property Buyer Property Dealer Property Developer Property Manager Property Valuer Proprietor Prosthetist Psychiatrist Psychoanalyst Psychologist Psychotherapist Psycodynamic Counsellor Public House Manager Public Relations Officer Publican Publicity Manager Publisher Publishing Manager Purchase Clerk Purchase Ledger Clerk Purchasing Assistant Purchasing Manager Purser Quality Controller Quality Engineer Quality Inspector Quality Manager Quality Technician Quantity Surveyor Quarry Worker Queens Counsel Rabbi Racehorse Groom Radio Controller Radio Director Radio Engineer Radio Operator Radio Presenter Radio Producer Radiographer Radiologist Rally Driver Ramp Agent Receptionist Records Supervisor Recovery Vehicle Co-ordinator Recruitment Consultant Rector Referee Refit Merchandiser Reflexologist Refractory Engineer Refrigeration Engineer Refuse Collector Registrar Regulator Relocation Agent Remedial Therapist Rent Collector Rent Officer Repair Man Reporter Reprographic Assistant Research Analyst Research Consultant Research Director Research Scientist Research Technician Researcher Re-Settlement Officer Resin Caster Restaurant Manager Restaurateur Restorer Retired Revenue Clerk Revenue Officer Rig Worker Rigger Riveter Road Safety Officer Road Sweeper Road Worker Roof Tiler Roofer Rose Grower Royal Marine Rug Maker Saddler Safety Officer Sail Maker Sales Administrator Sales Assistant Sales Director Sales Engineer Sales Executive Sales Manager Sales Representative Sales Support Sales Woman Salesman Sand Blaster Saw Miller Scaffolder School Crossing Warden School Inspector Scientific Officer Scientist Scrap Dealer Screen Printer Screen Writer Script Writer Sculptor Seaman Seamstress Second Hand Dealer Secretary Secretary And PA Security Consultant Security Controller Security Guard Security Officer Seedsman Servant Service Engineer Service Engineer (Non-Mobile) Service Manager Share Dealer Sheet Metal Worker Shelf Filler Shelter Warden Shepherd Sheriff Sheriff Clerk Sheriff Principal Sheriffs Officer Shift Controller Ship Broker Ship Builder Shipping Clerk Shipping Officer Shipwright Shoe Maker Shoe Repairer Shooting Instructor Shop Assistant Shop Fitter Shop Keeper Shop Manager Shot Blaster Show Jumper Showman Shunter Sign Maker Signalman Signwriter Site Agent Site Engineer Skipper Slater Slaughterman Smallholder Social Worker Software Consultant Software Engineer Soldier Solicitor Song Writer Sorter Sound Engineer Sound Technician Special Constable Special Needs Assistant Speech Therapist Sports Centre Attendant Sports Coach Sports Commentator Sportsman Sportswoman Spring Maker Stable Hand Staff Nurse Stage Director Stage Manager Stage Mover Station Manager Stationer Statistician Steel Erector Steel Worker Steeplejack Stenographer Stevedore Steward Stewardess Stock Controller Stock Manager Stockbroker Stockman Stocktaker Stone Cutter Stone Sawyer Stonemason Store Detective Storeman Storewoman Street Entertainer Street Trader Stud Hand Student Student Nurse Student Teacher Studio Manager Sub-Postmaster Sub-Postmistress Supervisor Supply Teacher Surgeon Surveyor Surveyor - Chartered Systems Analyst Systems Engineer Systems Manager Tachograph Analyst Tacker Tailor Tank Farm Operative Tanker Driver Tanner Tarmacer Tarot Reader/Palmistry Expert Tattooist Tax Advisor Tax Analyst Tax Assistant Tax Consultant Tax Inspector Tax Manager Tax Officer Taxi Controller Taxi Driver Taxidermist Tea Blender Tea Taster Teacher Teachers Assistant Technical Advisor Technical Analyst Technical Assistant Technical Author Technical Clerk Technical Co-ordinator Technical Director Technical Editor Technical Engineer Technical Illustrator Technical Instructor Technical Liaison Engineer Technical Manager Telecommunication Consultant Telecommunications Engineer Telecommunications Manager Telegraphist Telemarketeer Telephone Engineer Telephonist Telesales Person Television Director Television Engineer Television Presenter Television Producer Telex Operator Temperature Time Recorder Tennis Coach Terrier Textile Consultant Textile Engineer Textile Technician Textile Worker Thatcher Theatre Manager Theatre Technician Theatrical Agent Therapist Thermal Engineer Thermal Insulator Ticket Agent Ticket Inspector Tiler Timber Inspector Timber Worker Tobacconist Toll Collector Tool Maker Tool Setter Tour Agent Tour Guide Town Clerk Town Planner Toy Maker Toy Trader Track Worker Tractor Driver Tractor Mechanic Trade Mark Agent Trade Union Official Trading Standards Officer Traffic Clerk Traffic Engineer Traffic Officer Traffic Planner Traffic Supervisor Traffic Warden Train Driver Trainee Manager Trainer Training Advisor Training Assistant Training Consultant Training Co-ordinator Training Instructor Training Manager Training Officer Transcriber Translator Transport Clerk Transport Consultant Transport Controller Transport Engineer Transport Manager Transport Officer Transport Planner Travel Agent Travel Clerk Travel Consultant Travel Courier Travel Guide Travel Guide Writer Travel Representative Treasurer Tree Feller Tree Surgeon Trichologist Trinity House Pilot Trout Farmer T-Shirt Printer Tug Skipper Tunneller Turf Accountant Turkey Farmer Turner Tutor TV And Video Installer TV And Video Repairer TV Editor Typesetter Typewriter Engineer Typist Tyre Builder Tyre Fitter Tyre Inspector Tyre Technician Umpire Undertaker Underwriter Unemployed Upholsterer Usher Valuer Valve Technician Van Driver VDU Operator Vehicle Assessor Vehicle Engineer Vehicle Technician Vending Machine Filler Vending Machine Technician Ventriloquist Verger Veterinary Assistant Veterinary Surgeon Vicar Violin Maker Voluntary Worker Wages Clerk Waiter Waitress Warehouse Manager Warehouseman Warehousewoman Waste Dealer Watchmaker Water Diviner Weaver Web Designer Weighbridge Clerk Weighbridge Operator Welder Welfare Assistant Welfare Officer Welfare Rights Officer Wheel Clamper Wholesale Newspaper Delivery Driver Window Cleaner Window Dresser Windscreen Fitter Wine Merchant Wood Carver Wood Cutter Wood Worker Word Processing Operator Works Manager Writer Yacht Master Yard Manager Yoga Teacher Youth Hostel Warden Youth Worker Zoo Keeper Zoo Manager Zoologist Zoology Consultant
We currently don't cover the specified occupation
Email address *
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Country *
Please Select United Kingdom Afghanistan Albania Algeria American Samoa Andorra Angola Anguilla Antarctica Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Aruba Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bermuda Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Bouvet Island Brazil British Indian Ocean Territory British Virgin Islands Brunei Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Cayman Islands Central African Reprotected Chad Chile China Christmas Island Cocos [Keeling] Islands Colombia Comoros Congo [DRC] Congo [Reprotected] Cook Islands Costa Rica Cote dIvoire Croatia Cuba Cyprus Czech Reprotected Denmark Djibouti Dominica Dominican Reprotected Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Falkland Islands [Islas Malvinas] Faroe Islands Fiji Finland France French Guiana French Polynesia French Southern Territories Gabon Gambia Gaza Strip Georgia Germany Ghana Gibraltar Greece Greenland Grenada Guadeloupe Guam Guatemala Guernsey Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana Haiti Heard Island and McDonald Islands Honduras Hong Kong Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran Iraq Ireland Isle of Man Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Jersey Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati Kosovo Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Laos Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macau Macedonia [FYROM] Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Marshall Islands Martinique Mauritania Mauritius Mayotte Mexico Micronesia Moldova Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Montserrat Morocco Mozambique Myanmar [Burma] Namibia Nauru Nepal Netherlands Netherlands Antilles New Caledonia New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Niue Norfolk Island North Korea Northern Mariana Islands Norway Oman Pakistan Palau Palestinian Territories Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Pitcairn Islands Poland Portugal Puerto Rico Qatar Réunion Romania Russia Rwanda Saint Helena Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Saint Pierre and Miquelon Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Samoa San Marino São Tomé and Príncipe Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands South Korea Spain Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Svalbard and Jan Mayen Swaziland Sweden Switzerland Syria Taiwan Tajikistan Tanzania Thailand Timor-Leste Togo Tokelau Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Turks and Caicos Islands Tuvalu U.S. Minor Outlying Islands U.S. Virgin Islands Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates United States Uruguay Uzbekistan Vanuatu Vatican City Venezuela Vietnam Wallis and Futuna Western Sahara Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe
Unfortunately we are unable to accept cover on this policy.
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Property Details
We're sorry but we currently don't cover this risk.
How many bedrooms are at the home? *
Please include rooms that were originally built as a bedroom and those that have been converted for another use,
eg a study/office or dressing room. Please also include any bedrooms in an annex or other additional accommodation
at the premises.
Please select 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Please state the type of alarm *
Please select Bells Only NACOSS, NSI or SSAIB approved with annual maintenance Monitored / Central Station
Please state the type of locks on final exit door *
Please select 5 Lever Mortice Deadlock 3 Point Multi Locking System Key Operated Multi Point Lock Rim Automatic Deadlatch With Key Locking Handle Standard Yale Locks Other
Please provide full information on type of locks *
Please state the type of locks on other external doors *
Please select 5 Lever Mortice Deadlock 3 Point Multi Locking System Key Operated Multi Point Lock Rim Automatic Deadlatch With Key Locking Handle Standard Yale Locks No Other Exit Door Other
Please provide full information on type of locks *
Please state how the windows are secured *
Please select Key Operated Window Locks Internal Catch Handles Only Other
Please provide full information on how the windows are secured closed *
Please state the type of locks on patio doors, french doors, bifold doors or sliding doors *
(if no patio doors please select 'no patio doors' from the dropdown box)
Please select No Patio Doors Central Locking Device With Key Operated Bolts To Top And Bottom Top And Bottom Key Operated Locks Central Rail Key Operated Lock Key Operated Multi Point Lock Other
Please provide full information on the type of locks *
Please provide details about the state of repair *
What are the non-standard walls made from? *
Please select Asbestos Cob Corrugated Iron Fibreglass Glass Metal Plastic Prefab (Combustible) Prefab (Non-Combustible) SIP Timber Timber Frame Timber Plaster Wattle & Daub Other
We currently don't cover the specified wall construction type
What percentage of the external walls does this make up? *
Please select Up to 25% 26% to 50% Over 50%
Please provide a full description of the wall construction including percentages of each, if more than one type of material *
What is the non-standard roof made from? *
Please select Asbestos Eco roof / grass / sedum Felt Fibreglass Glass Metal Plastic / PVC / Rubber / EPDM Thatch Timber Other
We currently don't cover the specified roof construction type
What percentage of the roof does this make up? *
Please select Up to 20% 21% to 50% Over 50%
Please provide a full description of the construction including percentages of each, if more than one type of material *
Select the grade listing area *
Please select England/Wales Scotland Northern Ireland Channel Islands Isle of Man - Registered Building
When was the wiring last checked by an independent qualified electrician? *
Has the property been surveyed at any point to help determine the re-build figure of the property? If not, how has the insured arrived at the re-build figure and when was it last assessed? *
What fire safety measures are in place? *
We're sorry but we currently don't cover this risk.
What type of home is it? *
Please select House Townhouse Bungalow Apartment, Flat or Maisonette Coach House Dormer or Chalet Bungalow Mews Cottage Farmhouse Chalet Park Home Bedsit Mobile Home Show Home Other
We currently don't cover the specified property type
How many garages are there? *
Please select 1 2 3 4 Other
How many garages are used by the policyholder? *
Please select 1 2 3 4 Other
Please provide a full description *
Please select a lower number of garages that that are used by the policyholder
We're sorry but we currently don't cover this risk.
Please provide full information*
Additional Details
Why is the home left unattended? *
Please select Work Travel Other
We're sorry but we currently don't cover this risk.
What date are the works going to start, or if already started when this was? *
What is the anticipated end date? *
Please ensure the selected end date is after the start date
Please provide details of when it will be unoccupied and for what reason? *
How many storeys will the extension have? *
Please select 1 2 3
How many bedrooms will the home have in total following completion of the works? *
Please select 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 More than 9
What proportion of the home is being demolished? *
We're sorry but we currently don't cover this risk.
Please provide a description of the works *
What is the full cost of the works, including VAT? *
What value of unfixed building materials is required? *
Where are the items kept and what security is in place for them?; Please list the items for which cover is required *
Please state the number of Lodgers who reside at the home *
Please select 1 2 3 4 5 More than 5
We're sorry but we currently don't cover this risk.
Please state the maximum number of paying guests *
Please select 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Please state the number of bedrooms used for Bed and Breakfast only *
Please select 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
The number of bedrooms used for B&B purposes should be less than the number of declared bedrooms at the home under the Property Details section
We're sorry but we currently don't cover this risk.
Please state what other meals are served at the home *
Please state how cooking is allowed and on what appliances *
We're sorry but we currently don't cover this risk.
We're sorry but we currently don't cover this risk.
Please state why you are not registered *
Please advise the number of children you mind *
Please select 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
How is the home let? *
Please select Room only Whole House
For how long is the property let during the year *
Please select Weekends only Less than 6 weeks 6 to 12 weeks More than 12 weeks
Please confirm how many weeks of the year it is let in total, the longest continuous period of letting and where the client resides during the holiday let period if not in the home *
How many separate lets occur during the year?
Please select Up to 5 5 to 10 Other
Business Number 1 details:
Please select the type of business conducted at the premises from the list provided *
Please select Hairdressing Beautician Massage Acupuncture Gym / Fitness Classes Architect Teaching / Tutoring Catering Accountant Cat / Dog Sitting Cat / Dog Breeder Cattery / Kennels Electrical Repair Metal or Wood Work Online Shop Mechanic / Vehicle Body Shop Car / Vehicle Sales Heavy Industry Other
We're sorry but we currently don't cover this risk.
Office equipment is covered within the home for up to £5,000, or 20% of the sum insured for
contents, whichever is less, provided it is included in the amount of contents cover requested,
and is defined as: computers and home office equipment belonging to you and used in conjunction
with your business at the home. You will only need to add amounts in addition to this limit in
this section.
What amount of cover is required? *
What type of items are repaired? *
What type of items are sold? *
Please provide full details of the type of business *
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Please enter details *
Please provide full details *
How many employees are working at the premises? *
Please select Up to 2 More than 2
We're sorry but we currently don't cover this risk.
What is the maximum number of customers that could attend the premises per week? *
Please select 1-20 21-40 Other
Incident Number 1 details:
Please provide the date of the flooding incident *
What was the exact cause of the flooding? *
What damage occurred? *
What was the cost of repairing the damage? *
Have any measures been implemented to prevent a recurrence? *
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Subsidence Incident Number 1 details:
Please provide the date the movement first occurred *
Please advise how the subsidence was dealt with *
Please state the cause of the subsidence *
Please select Tree Roots or Vegetation Broken or Collapsed Drains Inadequate Foundations Broken or collapsed drains caused by tree roots Removal or over-pruning of trees/vegetation Consolidation Building works Climatic conditions Other
Why were they not removed? *
Please advise why the drains have not been repaired? *
Please advise why the foundations have not been repaired? *
How was the cause of the damage addressed? *
Please provide full details of the cause of movement *
What was the approximate cost of the remedy? *
Why has the problem not be rectified? *
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Please provide as much information about the underpinning as possible including the reason where known*
Please provide details of the stepped or diagonal cracking
Please provide details of the monitoring for subsidence, heave or landslip *
Please provide details of what was mentioned in the survey *
General Questions
Please select the type of loss from the list *
Please select Family Legal Expenses Liability Items in Banks Quad Bikes Accidental Damage Accidental Loss Breakage/Collapse of Aerials Escape of Water/Burst Pipes Escape of Oil Falling Trees, Telegraph Poles and Lamp Posts Fire/Lightning/Earthquake/Explosion Fire by Arson Flood Freezer Contents Impact by Vehicle Animal or Aircraft Loss of Metred Oil or Water Malicious Damage / Vandalism Money / Credit Cards Riot / Civil Commotion Storm / Weight of Snow Theft from Home Theft away from Home Subsidence / Heave / Landslip Underground Services/Pipes All Other Losses
Under what sections of the insurance was the claim made against? *
Please select Buildings Only Contents Only Buildings & Contents Valuables and Personal Possessions (All Risks)
Amount of Loss or Damage for Buildings *
Amount of Loss or Damage for Contents *
Please provide full details of the loss, including (if applicable) full cause, extent of damage and measures in place to prevent recurrence *
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Please provide full details *
Conviction Number 1 details:
Name of person with conviction *
Conviction Type *
Please select ABH Affray Armed Robbery Arson Assault Blackmail Breaking & Entering Broken Court Order Burglary Criminal Damage Deception Drink Driving Drugs - Intent to Supply Drugs - Possession Drunk & Disorderly Embezzlement Facilitating Illegal Entry False Accounting Finance Offences Forgery Fraud GBH Handling Stolen Goods Harassment Imitation Weapons Malicious Damage Manslaughter Murder Other Violent Offences Perverting the Course of Justice Possession of a Fire Arm Robbery Sex Offences Social Security Fraud Taking & Driving Away Tax Discrepancy Theft Other Offence
Please provide further info *
We're sorry but we currently don't cover this risk.
Was a community order imposed? *
Please provide further info *
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Please state any target premium
Terms and Conditions
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We or our group companies may also send you details of the products and services of our group companies.
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You can opt out of marketing communications at any time by contacting us.
Important Notice
The information you have provided in this submission contains statements
upon which we will rely when deciding whether to accept this insurance
and the terms on which it may be offered, including the amount of premium
It is very important that the information is complete and accurate.
If you are in any doubt at all regarding any of the answers given,
you should ask us or your insurance broker.
If any of the information provided by you changes after you purchase your policy or during the
period of your policy you must immediately provide us with details of the changes.
We act on a ‘non-advised’ basis which means that we will offer you information about the significant
features, benefits, limitations and exclusions of a particular insurance policy(ies), but it is for you
to decide by assessing the features, benefits and conditions which of these best suits your
requirements. When acting on a ‘non-advised’ basis, we act as Agent of the Insurer (that is to say, we
represent the insurer).
This insurance policy is underwritten by a consortium of the following insurers, led by HCC International
Insurance Company plc (HCCII) trading as Tokio Marine HCC. This company is
authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority
and the Prudential Regulation Authority.
To the best of my/our knowledge and belief all statements and information
provided in connection with this insurance, either orally, electronically
or in writing, are true. I/we understand that non-disclosure or
misrepresentation of any of the answers given may entitle underwriters to:-
cancel my/our policy and refuse to pay any claim, or
not pay any claim in full, or
revise the premium and/or change any excess, or
revise the extent of cover or terms of the insurance.
I agree*