Please answer all questions in full - Required: *
Has your firm or any director, principal, partner or controller, personally or by association of any of the following:
Been convicted of a crime involving dishonesty or breach of trust? *
Been disqualified under company law? *
Been found liable for negligence, fraud, wrongful trading or malpractice in connection with business activity? *
Been declared insolvent, bankrupt or made any similar arrangement with creditors? *
Been refused membership, censured, fined, disciplined, suspended, or expelled by any insurance industry regulatory body or trade association? *
Had a licence, authorisation or registration to conduct insurance business suspended, withdrawn or not renewed? *
Is your firm or any director, principal, partner, controller or key member of staff a specially designated person under a financial sanction regime, or the subject of sanctions targets as designated by the US Office of Foreign Assets Control, the European Union, or HM Treasury? *
Please provide details for the above answers *
Corruption Questions
Do you have in place appropriate procedures to counter the risk of your firm becoming involved in bribery or corruption? *
Does any government official, government employee, or government entity have any ownership interest, other financial interest, or management role in your firm? *
Has any of the persons who hold company shares or directorships, or any family member of these persons, currently or previously held any position of responsibility within any government, government agency, any enterprise owned in whole or in part by a government, or any international organisation? *
Please provide details for the above answers *
Do you have adequate controls and procedures in place to ensure all taxes are accounted for and paid appropriately, including VAT and Insurance Premium Tax (where relevant)? *
Please provide the following required documents.